History of Company

  • Establishment

Energy Consulting Engineers (ECE) was established in October 1983 and registered under number 49517 at the Bureau of Companies Registration Affairs in Tehran as a Private Joint Stock Company.

  • Background and General Activities

The initial and main activities and operations of Energy Consulting Engineers includes design, consultancy and supervision of systems such as heating, ventilating and air conditioning, water supply and pumping stations, drainage and sewage systems, healthcare mechanical and electrical design, electrical networks, distribution systems, low and high voltage network, telecom, instrumentations, power plant and all related fields, BMS, EMS and security systems.

In recent years, two important branches were added to the above activities:

  1. Urban Utility Infrastructure
  2. Architecture & Structure


Mr. Hassan Khajehnouri

Title: Direct Manager, since 1983

Education: Master of Science (Mechanical Engineering)

Graduated from Faculty of Engineering Tehran University 1970


  • Technical Instructor, Tehran University 1969-1970.
  • Project Manager in-charge of H.V.A.C. Department Quanta Consulting Engineers 1970-1975.
  • Project Director L.W.S.M. Consulting Engineers, Minneapolis Minnesota U.S.A. 1975-1976.
  • Member of The Board of Directors and Technical Manager, Amaryllis Consulting Engineers, Tehran 1976-1979.
  • Technical Manager of H.V.A.C. and Electrical Departments, Khanehsazi Iran Company, Tehran, 1979-1983.
  • Direct Manager of Energy Consulting Engineers since 1983.



Mr. Seyyed Rexa Rafiee Tabatabaei

Title: Chief of Board of managers

Education: Master of Science (Electrical Engineering)

Graduated from Faculty of Engineering Tehran University 1970


  • Technical Training Department Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corp., Japan 1970-1971
  • Manager, in-charge of Telegram Research Department, Telecommunication Company of IRAN 1971-1972.
  • Instructor, Faculty of Engineering, Tehran University, 1972-1976.
  • Manager, in-charge of Electrical Department, Quanta Consulting Engineers, 1976-1979.
  • Chief Designer and Electrical Engineer, Khanehsazi Iran Company, 1980-1983.
  • Chief of Board of Managers and Director, of Electrical Engineering Department, Energy Consulting Engineers, since 1983



· Number of Employees:

There are thirty-six full time personnel working at ECE, including thirty technical and six administrative personnel.


· ECE’s Memberships:

Energy Consulting Engineers is the official member of the following associations and organizations:

A: Supreme member of the State Management and Planning Organization- Iran

A-1: Grade “1” in Building Mech. & Elec. Installations

A-2: Grade “3” in Urban Utility (Infra Structure)

A-3: Grade “3” in Architecture & Structure for Housing, Commercial, Office, Industrial & Military Buildings

B: Official Member of the Society of Consulting Engineers of Iran, Membership No. 315

C: Official Member of the World Consulting Engineers, Membership No. 05417

D: Official Member of the Iran’s Society of Building Construction Engineers Membership No. 10-4-0-23678

E: Energy Consulting Engineers has obtained ISO-9001 Certificate in the field of Quality Management:

ISO-9001-2008, Certificate No.: 15781

ISO 223d: 2012, Certificate No.: 47091716


· Energy Consulting Engineers has eight shareholders as follows:

1. Mr. Hassan Khajehnouri (Mechanical Engineer)

2. Mr. Seyed Reza Rafie TabaTabaei (Electrical Engineer)

3. Mr. Mohammad Saleh Darvish (Mechanical Engineer)

4. Mr. Mohsen Mehrjou (Mechanical Engineer)

5. Mrs. Azadeh Rafie TabaTabaei (Electrical Engineer)

6. Mr. Touraj Khajehnouri (Electrical Engineer)

7. Mr. Seyed Morteza Rafie Tabatabaei (Mechanical Engineer)

8. Mr. Ario Khajehnouri (Accounting Expert)



· Technical background of ECE’s members of the Board of Directors are as follows:

The first three persons are members of the Board of Directors and Mr. Hassan Khajehnouri is Managing Director.